JBuilder Setup
Transmogrify requires JBuilder 4. While it may work on earlier versions,
we have done no testing with it. JBuilder 4 Foundation can be
from the Borland website.
In the following instructions, %JBUILDER%
to the root directory of your JBuilder installation.
Place transmogrify.jar in %JBUILDER%/lib/ext
Place a JAXP
compatible XML parser and put it in %JBUILDER%/lib
place all jars that your projects require for compilation in
add the appropriate jars/directories to the file
Place refactorings.xml file in %JBUILDER%
Place printer.properties in %JBUILDER%
add the following line to %JBUILDER%/bin/JBuilder.config
addpath ../
Start JBuilder. A Transmogrify menu should appear on your menu